"when in doubt, kill em all!!"

"these are the best years of your life!"

"i must be crazy to fight this war; i must be out of my battered mind."

"it is just to much, all the death and destruction. it's pointless, there's no way, no way at all."

"there are no reasons and you're all gonna look for them, but you're not gonna find them."

"life isn't fair, so we gotta even the score a little."

"we're gonna leave you all behind. just sticks in the mud that andre and i have made. we're gonna walk away.."

"i will sooner die than betray my own thoughts."

"the only reason your still alive is because someone has decided to let you live."

"i ripped the fuck out of the system."

"full of rage and rot."

"what doesn't kill me might make me kill you."

"emptiness is all, it raised me as i am."

"i want to spend eternity with you."

"why does it have to be this way? i askā€¦ but i know that the answer to that question is that, it just has to be this way."

"how do i explain something so unexplainable..."

"maybe the problem was that i felt i owed something to the world, and then no matter what i did it just didn't seem like enough."

Upside Down Cross - Red